Walks in Châté, Châtelard and Triatel
Walks in Châté, Châtelard and Triatel

Walks in Châté, Châtelard and Triatel

Effort : 1 - Facile
Technicité : 2 - Assez facile
Risque : 1 -Faible

Piazza Frutaz – Châté – Châtelard – Museo Petit Monde – Mongnod
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A walk between nature and culture
From the centre of Torgnon, we discover the well-kept hamlet of Châté, its small church dedicated to Our Lady of the Alpini and finally the Châtelard alpine pasture. The tour continues in the charming hamlet of Triatel with its interesting ethnographic museum


From Place Frutaz, continue along the road in a northerly direction. Pass the hamlets of Chatrian and Pecou and arrive at Châté. A small hamlet perched on two hairpin bends, it has a magnificent view and very charming little houses. Once you have ascended the hamlet, take an obvious farm road that winds its way over the meadows above. In a short time, you reach Petit Châtelard and immediately afterwards the chapel of the Madonna degli Alpini. From here, continue on an uphill path to Châtelard. Here you can enjoy the breathtaking view of the entire valley, immersed in a bucolic setting. From Châtelard, descend back to the chapel and take the track again. Take the first turning to the left that, still on the farm road and trail number 18, leads to the hamlet of Triatel. A visit to the beautiful Petit Monde ethnographic museum is not to be missed here. Take the tarmac road back to the village and return to the starting point.
Departure : piazza Frutaz
Arrival : piazza Frutaz
9 points of interest

Above Châté

One never tires of this bucolic view and atmosphere!
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Petit Châtelrd

Between Châté and Châtelard, this little corner offers a beautiful view of Torgnon.
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Small patrimony

Madonna degli Alpini Church

Dedicated to San Grato, it already existed in the second half of the 17th century. It was rebuilt in 1719 by the parish priest Borine at the expense of the municipality.
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Small patrimony

Ethnographic museum

The hamlet of Triatel is worth a visit in itself, but the presence of the Petit-Monde ethnographic museum makes this small locality a real gem. The museum consists of a terraced raccard, a grandze and a grenier, built between 1462 and 1700. The rooms, restored and enhanced, house a permanent ethnographic exhibition narrating the life and social organisation of the inhabitants of Petit Monde.
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panaromic view - Triatel

Location equipped with a panoramic binocular, which allows one to enjoy the view of both Etirol and its agricultural terraces (once dedicated to the cultivation of cereals), but also of the fauna, which mainly consists of herds of ibexes, which happily roam the fields around the village.
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Chamois observation spot

In the morning or in the evening, groups of chamois regularly meet in the forest clearing which can be found a few hundred meters from Triatel.
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Ponty Chapel

Charming chapel under the rock, dedicated to Our Lady.
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Goats in Triatel

On the way to Triatel, it is not unusual to encounter free-roaming goats that will be happy to walk a little piece of the route with you!
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View on Torgnon

The road to Triatel is located quite high above the village of Torgnon. From here, it is possible to enjoy a beautiful view of the village and its meadows. 
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Altimetric profile

Access and parking

From piazza Frutaz

Parking :

Piazza Frutaz's parking

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